How To Warm Up Your SendGrid Account: Step-By-Step Guide

December 30, 2022

New to SendGrid and wondering why you need to warm up your account?

When you first create a SendGrid account, your IP address and domain have no history of sending emails. So email providers don't have any information when determining the deliverability of your emails to the inbox or the spam folder. This is where warming up your SendGrid account comes in. By warming up your SendGrid account, you can build a reputation and improve your deliverability rates.

In this blog post, we'll dive into the different methods available for warming up your SendGrid account. We'll cover manual warm-up and automatic warm-up to increase your sending volume and monitor your email performance. We'll provide you with the steps and best practices to successfully warm up your SendGrid account.

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Why Do You Need To Warm-Up Your SendGrid Account?

Warming up is the process of gradually increasing the volume of emails sent through the account over a period of time. This is done when a new SendGrid account is created or when a period of inactivity on the account. Warming up the account avoids triggering spam filters and improving deliverability, establishing the reputation of the account with ISPs, and avoid SPF failures.

It is better to gradually increase the volume of emails sent rather than sending a large volume all at once. This ensures the emails will be delivered to the inbox rather than being sent to the spam folder assuring SPF record will not fail. Overall, to deliver emails successfully, warming up a SendGrid account is an essential step.


Types Of SendGrid Warm-Up

There are two main types of warm-up methods for SendGrid accounts:

Manual Warm-Up:

The manual warm-up involves increasing your sending volume gradually over time, monitoring email deliverability and engagement metrics, and maintaining a healthy sending frequency all manually. This type of warm-up requires you to actively manage your account and make adjustments based on your metrics and feedback from recipients.

Automatic Warm-Up:

For the automatic warm-up, you have to use any email warm-up tool like Warmbase. The service begins by sending a small number of emails to a list of carefully selected recipients in their email network. If you continue to send emails through the warm-up tool, the number of emails you can send will gradually increase. This allows you to build up your sending reputation over time. The warm-up tool will also monitor the performance of your emails, including things like open rates, click-through rates, and spam complaints. If any of these metrics are not meeting the necessary thresholds, the warm-up tool will adjust your sending volume and recipient list to help improve your sending reputation.

How To Manually Warm-Up Your SendGrid Account

There are five steps for manually warm-up your SendGrid account. Let me introduce you to each step:

Start Small:

The first step in warming up your SendGrid account is to start sending a small number of emails. This could be as few as 10-20 emails per day, depending on the size of your email list. It's important to send these emails to a small, targeted group of recipients who have specifically opted in to receive emails from you.

Monitor Your Deliverability:

As you start sending emails, it's important to monitor your deliverability rates. You can do this using SendGrid's built-in analytics. Your deliverability rate is simply the percentage of emails that are successfully delivered to the recipient's inbox. If your deliverability rate is low, it may be a sign that you need to adjust your sending strategy.

Gradually Increase Your Sending Volume:

Once you have established a good deliverability rate, you can gradually increase the number of emails you send each day. This will allow SendGrid to monitor your sending behavior and ensure that you are not a spammer. As a general rule, you should aim to increase your sending volume by 10-20% each week.

Use A Dedicated IP Address:

Another way to improve your deliverability and warm up your SendGrid account is to use a dedicated IP address. This is a unique IP address that is assigned to your account and used exclusively for sending your emails. Using a dedicated IP address can help to improve your deliverability because it allows SendGrid to monitor your sending behavior more closely and ensure that you are not a spammer.

Monitor Your Reputation:

Finally, it's important to monitor your reputation as a sender. This is simply a measure of how well your emails are received by recipients. SendGrid uses a variety of factors to determine your reputation, including your deliverability rate, bounce rate, and spam complaints. If your reputation is poor, it may be a sign that you need to adjust your sending strategy.

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Manual Email Warm-Up

It's important to note that manually warming up can be a time-consuming process. If you don't have the time or resources to do it manually, you can also use a warmup service like Warmbase to automate the process for you. These services can help you to warm up your IP address more quickly and efficiently so that you can start sending more emails and improving your deliverability.

How To Automatically Warm-Up Your SendGrid Account

Warmbase is a tool that helps you warm up your SendGrid account automatically. It automates the warm-up process and allows you to increase your sending volume gradually, and monitor your deliverability and engagement metrics. Here are the steps to warm up your SendGrid account using Warmbase:

Verify Your Sender Domain:

Ensure that your domain is properly configured and verified by SendGrid. This will help improve the deliverability of your emails.

Connect Your SendGrid Account To Warmbase:

Login to your Warmbase account and connect to your SendGrid account by providing your API key and other necessary SMTP information. This will allow Warmbase to access your SendGrid account and manage your warm-up process. Check out in-depth docs about how to connect your SendGrid account to Warmbase.

Configure Warm-Up Process:

Specify the details of your warm-up process, such as the starting volume, maximum emails per day, and the reply rate that you want to reply to incoming emails coming from Warmbase warm-up network. You can also select any predefined warm-up mode that is best for your email. Currently, they offer three warm-up modes: Grow, Flat, and Randomize.

Start The Warm-Up Process:

When everything is done, press the ‘START’ button. This will begin the process of gradually increasing your sending volume and optimizing your deliverability.

Monitor Your Warm-Up Progress:

As the warm-up process is running, you can monitor your progress and make adjustments as needed. Warmbase will provide real-time updates on your sending volume and deliverability, and you can use this information to fine-tune your warm-up settings and improve your results.

Automatic Email Warm-Up


Warming up your SendGrid account is crucial for building a reputation as a trustworthy sender and improving your deliverability rates. Whether you choose a manual or automatic warm-up method, it's important to start small, gradually increase your sending volume, and monitor your reputation as a sender. By following these best practices and adjusting your sending strategy based on your metrics and recipient feedback, you can successfully warm up your SendGrid account and improve your chances of reaching the inbox. So don't wait - start warming up your SendGrid account today and see the benefits yourself.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why Do I Need To Warm-Up My SendGrid Account?

Warming up your SendGrid account helps improve your deliverability and sender reputation by allowing SendGrid to learn your sending patterns and establish trust with email providers. This ensures that your emails are more likely to be delivered to the inbox and that your recipients are more likely to engage with them.

What Are The Prerequisites For Warming Up A SendGrid Account?

The prerequisites for warming up a SendGrid account include a verified sender domain, a list of email recipients, a plan for your email campaigns, and access to SendGrid's reporting and analytics tools.

What Are The Different Types Of SendGrid Warm-Ups?

There are two main types of warm-ups for SendGrid accounts: manual and automatic. Manual warm-up involves actively managing your account and making adjustments based on your metrics and feedback from recipients. Automatic warm-up is offered by Warmbase which automatically increases your SendGrid account sending volume and optimizes your deliverability.

How Do I Do A Manual SendGrid Warm-Up?

To manually warm up a SendGrid account, you need to verify your sender domain, set up your sender reputation, segment your email list, start with a small volume, monitor your deliverability metrics, engage with your recipients, and maintain a healthy sending frequency.

How Do I Do An Automatic Warm-Up?

To automatically warm up your SendGrid account you have to use a warm-up tool like Warmbase. It automates your warm-up process and allows you to increase your sending volume gradually. It also monitors your account deliverability and engagement metrics.

How Long Does It Take To Warm-up A SendGrid Account?

The length of time it takes to warm up a SendGrid account can vary depending on factors such as your starting volume, the rate at which you increase your volume, and the engagement of your recipients. In general, it is recommended to warm up your account over several weeks to months, starting with a small volume and gradually increasing it as your sender reputation improves.

Can I Skip The Warm-Up Process And Send Emails At Full Volume From The Start?

Skipping the warm-up process and sending emails at full volume from the start is not recommended, as it can harm your sender's reputation and deliverability. Email providers may view your emails as suspicious and route them to the spam folder, which can negatively impact your ability to reach your recipients in the future. It is better to warm up your account gradually and establish trust with email providers over time.

What Are The Benefits Of Using Warmbase For My SendGrid Warm-Up?

Using Warmbase for your SendGrid warm-up has several benefits. It automates the email warm-up process allowing you to increase your sending volume gradually and optimize your deliverability without having to manage your account manually. Warmbase also provides real-time updates on your sending volume and deliverability. It allows you to fine-tune your warm-up settings and improve your results.

Jessica is a professional writer who has been working in the field for three years. She predominately works as a ghostwriter and takes great pride in helping other people share their stories. Jessica loves to read, and her favorite genre is science fiction. She also enjoys spending time with her husband and dog, both of whom are the light of her life.
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